Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Soldering at the nanoscale

Japanese researchers have developed a way of soldering metal wires together on the nanoscale. The method will open the door to applications in nanocircuitry, they claim.

Oct 28th, 2008

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Nanocenter offers promising non-invasive cancer treatment

A team of scientists at Arkansas Nanotechnology Center at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock has developed what promises to be a non-invasive method of eradicating cancer cells while reducing the life-threatening side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

Oct 28th, 2008

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Science writing, video production courses tell nanoscience stories

The Institute for NanoBioTechnology (INBT) at Johns Hopkins University strives to be integrative and multidisciplinary. With 170 faculty and more than two dozen graduate students and undergraduates with backgrounds as diverse as physics and computational medicine, the institute has sought to broaden skills and foster collaborations among its student body and its faculty members.

Oct 28th, 2008

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Unraveling the mysteries of physics on the nanoscale

Quantum dots have been studied in lasers, solar paneling, and biomedical therapeutics. Nina Markovic, affiliated faculty member of the Johns Hopkins Institute for NanoBioTechnology and assistant professor of physics in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, believes this emerging technology will prove important in cancer therapies, energy transmission, and drug delivery.

Oct 28th, 2008

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Nanotechnology formulation for marijuana addiction

Aphios Corporation today announced receipt of a Phase I Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to develop an improved oral formulation for marijuana addiction and unmet medical needs.

Oct 28th, 2008

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Sea urchin yields a key secret of biomineralization

Harnessing the process of biomineralization may be closer to reality as an international team of scientists has detailed a key and previously hidden mechanism to transform amorphous calcium carbonate into calcite, the stuff of seashells.

Oct 27th, 2008

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