Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New nanocluster to boost thin films for semiconductors

Oregon researchers have synthesized an elusive metal-hydroxide compound in sufficient and rapidly produced yields, potentially paving the way for improved precursor inks that could boost semiconductor capabilities for large-area applications.

Oct 31st, 2008

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Welche Auswirkungen haben Nanotechnologien auf die Umwelt?

Die Bremer Produktionstechniker um Professor Lutz Maedler sind Partner einer internationalen Forschungsinitiative zur Etablierung der wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen fuer Nano-Bio-Wechselwirkungen innerhalb des Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology (CEIN)

Oct 31st, 2008

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Laser painting with proteins

Scientists in Canada have recreated a famous painting on the microscale using a new protein patterning technique. The technique can also be used to mimic patterns of proteins found in cells and could lead to advances in neuroscience.

Oct 31st, 2008

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Cells traverse developmental divide via Blimp

An animal's reproductive capabilities are established early in development, when a homogeneous embryonic cell population gives rise to two distinct cell types - somatic cells that form the vast majority of body tissues, and primordial germ cells (PGCs) that ultimately yield spermatozoa or ova.

Oct 31st, 2008

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Ultrafast lasers procide a snapshot of electrons in action

In the quest to slow down and ultimately understand chemistry at the level of atoms and electrons, University of Colorado at Boulder and Canadian scientists have found a new way to peer into a molecule that allows them to see how its electrons rearrange as the molecule changes shape.

Oct 30th, 2008

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Annual Biotechnology Conference returns to Charlotte

It has been a success for the past six years, and it's back again. The 7th Annual Charlotte Biotechnology Conference (CBC) will be held in the Student Activities Center (SAC) on October 28, 2008 and will feature an array of different speakers elaborating on the different aspects of biotechnology.

Oct 30th, 2008

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