Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanotubes: Wie die Energie fliesst

Neue Erkenntnisse ueber den Energiefluss in carbon nanotubes beschreiben Forscher in der Zeitschrift Nature Physics. Ihnen ist es weltweit erstmals gelungen, die Groesse von Exzitonen zu messen.

Dec 16th, 2008

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European Union funds EUR 3 million nanotechnology risk research

Dr Andrew Nelson, a chemist at the University of Leeds, will lead the project which has been awarded EUR 3 million by the European Union and brings together experts from the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Spain to assess how nanotechnology impacts on our environment.

Dec 16th, 2008

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Green Energy Summit 2009 program now available

The summit is a highly efficient forum for varied stakeholders from solar, wind, biomass, IT, transport, construction, aviation, nanotechnology and biotechnology to bring together the business and science of the most important and relevant Green Energy and Clean technologies.

Dec 16th, 2008

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Biological nanocoating technology improves surgical implants

The technology involves a unique surface engineering process that adds micro and nano sized hair like structures to the surface which creates a ?living interface? between artificial implants and bone. The addition of a multilayer coating containing biological substances, such as growth factors and antibiotics, could improve bony integration, arterial and venous proliferation and reduce infection.

Dec 15th, 2008

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