Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New Centre for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology in Denmark

Prof. Moein Moghimi (Professor of Biopharmacy and Nanomedicine, Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical chemistry) and colleagues have received 28 million DKK (approximately 3.75 million Euros) from the Danish Council for Strategic Research (DSF) to set The Centre for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology (CPNN) at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences starting April 2009.

Dec 18th, 2008

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Synthetic Biology Project gives away 5 iPods

The Synthetic Biology Project is being launched to identify gaps in our knowledge of the potential risks of the field, explore public perceptions towards it, and examine governance options that will both ensure public safety and facilitate innovation.

Dec 17th, 2008

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Self-warming hand and body lotions

Sandia National Laboratories resident microencapsulation expert, Duane Schneider, is working with an Albuquerque company to use microencapsulation technology in a novel self-warming hand and body lotion.

Dec 17th, 2008

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