Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Coated film as a bacteria killer

A nanoproduct made from silver and calcium phosphate and developed by ETH Zurich researchers is lethal to bacteria. Its special feature is that the bacteria themselves invoke and dispense this disinfectant effect.

Jan 23rd, 2009

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New nano-simulation tools to design smaller transistors

In order to get away from traditional chip designs which are, in a sense, one-dimensional, modified layer by layer, chip designers need to start modifying devices to vary on a three-dimensional scale. For that, they need a different simulation engine.

Jan 23rd, 2009

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Dilating time with superconductors

A team of scientists has discovered a new type of soliton excitation in a Josephson junction that could be used to measure time dilation effects similar to those in Einstein's special relativity

Jan 23rd, 2009

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Escape from frustration - when the bonds between atoms suddenly alter

Researchers from RIKEN's Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science in Wako, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Hyogo and Kyoto University, have uncovered an intriguing interplay between the arrangement of atomic spins and atomic interactions in the metallic compound Mo3Sb7.

Jan 23rd, 2009

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New portable device detects Salmonella in under an hour

IIK4 Technological Alliance has designed a low-cost, rapid diagnostic device for detecting the presence of Salmonella spp. and other bacteria in less than one hour, a much shorter time than current systems. Unlike others, this project used clinical samples directly, without prior treatment in a laboratory.

Jan 22nd, 2009

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