Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Pushing the boundaries of optics

Quantum mechanically entangled light particles break down the boundaries of conventional optics and allow a glimpse into previously invisible wavelength ranges, thus bringing about new possibilities for imaging techniques, microscopy and spectroscopy.

Jan 3rd, 2022

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Helium bath splash

While working with helium nanodroplets, scientists have come across a surprising phenomenon: When the ultracold droplets hit a hard surface, they behave like drops of water. Ions with which they were previously doped thus remain protected on impact and are not neutralized.

Dec 27th, 2021

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Fueling the future with new perovskite-related oxide-ion conductors

Researchers report stable and high oxide-ion conductors based on a new hexagonal perovskite-related oxide. These high-performance oxide-ion conductors could pave the way for the development of solid electrolytes for next-generation batteries and clean energy devices such as solid oxide fuel cells.

Dec 23rd, 2021

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