Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers create nanocarbon catalysts for use in hydrogen storage materials

A team of scientists from Virginia Commonwealth University, the University of Uppsala in Sweden, and the Savannah River National Laboratory have identified that carbon nanostructures can be used as catalysts to store and release hydrogen, a finding that may point researchers toward developing the right material for hydrogen storage for use in cars.

Mar 24th, 2009

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EuroNanoForum 2009 - nanotechnology for sustainable economy

EuroNanoForum 2009 is the fourth conference of a set of international nanotechnology conferences organized within the framework of national Presidencies of the European Union. This will be a 4-day conference taking place from 2nd to 5th of June 2009, in Prague.

Mar 23rd, 2009

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Introducing nanotechnology to Sri Lanka's industries

Sri Lanka's Science and Technology Minister Prof. Tissa Vitarana stressed the importance of introducing Nanotechnology to industries and said fund controllers in the country must extend their fullest co-operation to develop the technology.

Mar 23rd, 2009

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