Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Calculating the costs of testing for nanotechnology risks

If all existing nanomaterials were to be tested for toxicity, it would cost U.S. industries between $249 million and $1.18 billion, but the testing could take as long as 53 years at current levels of investment, according to the first study to estimate the costs and time needed for nanotox testing.

Mar 28th, 2009

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OIDA urges the strengthening of the U.S. optoelectronics industry

Michael Lebby, president of OIDA, testified Tuesday at a Congressional hearing on China's Industrial Policy and Its Impact on U.S. Companies, Workers and the American Economy. Chaired by Commissioners Patrick A. Mulloy and Daniel M. Slane, Lebby offered OIDA's perspective on the panel discussing China's Nanotechnology and Optoelectronics Industries.

Mar 27th, 2009

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Working and living with nanotechnologies

After engaging in a three-year learning process, European Trade Unions and European environmental NGOs have formulated position statements calling upon industry and governments to pursue the responsible development of nanotechnologies and to operationalise comprehensive precautionary measures that can effectively prevent harm to the user and the environment.

Mar 27th, 2009

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Twist and turn

Researchers have studied how the electric polarization of multiferroic materials responds to changes in an externally applied magnetic field.

Mar 27th, 2009

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