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nano.DE-Report 2009 erschienen

Eine neue Publikation im Auftrag vom Bundesministerium f�r Bildung Forschung von der VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH erarbeitet, beschreibt die Entwicklung der Nanotechnologie und den aktuellen Stand in Deutschland.

Jun 15th, 2009

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"Quantum to Cosmos: Ideas for the Future" festival

For 10 exciting days this October, Canada's Perimeter Institute's 10th anniversary science celebration "Quantum to Cosmos: Ideas for the Future" will take a global audience from the strange subatomic world to the outer frontiers of the universe.

Jun 15th, 2009

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The dawn of quantum applications

Technologies that exploit the unique weirdness of quantum mechanics could debut in the very near future, thanks to the groundbreaking work of a huge European research consortium.

Jun 14th, 2009

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