Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

2. NRW Nano-Konferenz in Dortmund

Mehr Aussteller und Teilnehmer erw�nscht: Nach der erfolgreichen Premiere in 2008 liegt die Messlatte hoch. Vom 22. bis 23. Juni 2009 findet die 2. NRW Nano-Konferenz im Kongresszentrum Westfalenhallen Dortmund statt.

Jun 17th, 2009

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Nerve repair with a crab shell and polyester mix

In the clothing industry it's common to mix natural and synthetic fibers. Take cotton and add polyester to make clothing that's soft, breathable and wrinkle free. Now researchers at the University of Washington are using the same principle for biomedical applications. Mixing chitosan, found in the shells of crabs and shrimp, with an industrial polyester creates a promising new material for the tiny tubes that support repair of a severed nerve, and could serve other medical uses.

Jun 16th, 2009

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Bio-friendly nanocrystals as individual investigators of activity within a cell

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have created bright, stable and bio-friendly nanocrystals that act as individual investigators of activity within a cell. These ideal light emitting probes represent a significant step in scrutinizing the behaviors of proteins and other components in complex systems such as a living cell.

Jun 16th, 2009

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Montreal aerospace cluster continues efforts to maintain its exceptional innovation capacity

A�ro Montr�al, the aerospace cluster of Metropolitan Montreal which brings together all the major decision makers in the aerospace sector, including companies, educational and research institutions, associations and unions, announced today, during the International Paris Air Show Le Bourget that it will hold a 2nd edition of the Aerospace Innovation Forum in Montreal on December 7 and 8, 2009 on the theme Aerospace Clusters: A World of Innovation.

Jun 16th, 2009

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Deutsch-franz�sischen Sommerschule 'Nanophotonics in Nature and Art'

Von Schmetterlingsfl�geln bis Keramik - Farbgebung in Natur und Kunst sowie Anwendungen in der Biomimetik sind Themen der deutsch-franz�sischen Sommerschule "Nanophotonics in Nature and Art", die vom 7. bis zum 14. September 2009 in St. Pierre d'Ol�ron an der franz�sischen Westk�ste stattfindet.

Jun 16th, 2009

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EU warns that lobbyists are fuelling confusion on nanotechnology

The highest-ranked health official in the EU executive has hit out at lobby groups who stoke fear of nanotechnology. Robert Madelin, director-general at the European Commission's health and consumer affairs directorate, said it was 'irresponsible' to use panic in order to attract attention.

Jun 16th, 2009

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Discovery of magnetic superatom could lead to nanoelectronic devices

A team of Virginia Commonwealth University scientists has discovered a 'magnetic superatom' - a stable cluster of atoms that can mimic different elements of the periodic table - that one day may be used to create molecular electronic devices for the next generation of faster computers with larger memory storage.

Jun 16th, 2009

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