Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Controlling the electronic surface properties of a material

It's commonly accepted that electrical resistance of a given material cannot be adjusted as is the case with, for example, density and color. However, Dr Meike St�hr and her collaborators have now succeeded in developing a new method to selectively tune surface properties such as resistance.

Jul 16th, 2009

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Scientists refine technique for DNA sorting of carbon nanotubes

Scientists at DuPont and Lehigh University have refined a technique, first published in 2003, to sort carbon nanotubes using specific sequences of DNA. This technique offers the first demonstration that nanotubes can be sorted by size, property and symmetry (chirality).

Jul 16th, 2009

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Advanced heat recovery method makes most of low-temp 'hot rock' resources

A new method for capturing significantly more heat from low-temperature geothermal resources holds promise for generating virtually pollution-free electrical energy. Scientists at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will determine if their innovative approach can safely and economically extract and convert heat from vast untapped geothermal resources.

Jul 16th, 2009

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Quantum experiments on a macroscopic scale

An astrophysics experiment in America has demonstrated how fundamental research in one subject area can have a profound effect on work in another as the instruments used for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) pave the way for quantum experiments on a macroscopic scale.

Jul 16th, 2009

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Linking quantum physics with classical physics

A University of Missouri physicist has uncovered some clues about the basis of Einstein's theories and presented a more general approximation, which may better link quantum physics with classical physics.

Jul 15th, 2009

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