Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Zellen reagieren auf Nanostrukturen

Unterschiede im Bereich von einigen tausendstel Mikrometern bei einer Oberflaechenbeschichtung koennen darueber entscheiden, ob Implantate sich ihrer organischen Umgebung mehr oder weniger gut anpassen.

Jul 20th, 2009

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Researchers engineer first artificial graphene

The first artificial graphene has been created at the NEST laboratory of the Italian Institute for the Physics of Matter in Pisa. It is sculpted on the surface of a gallium-arsenide semiconductor, to which it grants the extraordinary properties of the original graphene.

Jul 17th, 2009

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Fundamental nanotechnology - making nano rulers

Researchers in Japan have fabricated a nanometer-sized ruler to be used as a primary standard, which is integral to nanotechnology research and production, by taking advantage of the crystal structure of diamond.

Jul 17th, 2009

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Coole Computer

Wissenschaftler entwickeln einen Halbleiter, der elektrischen Strom leitet und dabei nicht warm wird.

Jul 17th, 2009

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