Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Growing flying carpets with carbon nanotubes

Scientistst at Rice describe a method for making odako, bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes named for the traditional Japanese kites they resemble. It may lead to a way to produce meter-long strands of nanotubes, which by themselves are no wider than a piece of DNA.

Jul 29th, 2009

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New microbe strain makes more electricity, faster

Researchers have coaxed Geobacter, the sediment-loving microbe who produce electric current from mud and wastewater, to evolve a new strain. It dramatically increases power output per cell, overall bulk power, and with a thinner biofilm, cuts the time to produce electricity on the electrode.

Jul 29th, 2009

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A multifunctional storage device for light

Physicists have for the first time realized a microresonator that combines all the desired properties, i.e., long storage time, small volume, and tunability to arbitrary optical frequencies, in a single monolithic device.

Jul 29th, 2009

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Nanoparticles affect brain development in mice

Maternal exposure to nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) affects the expression of genes related to the central nervous system in developing mice. Researchers writing in BioMed Central?s open access journal Particle and Fibre Toxicology found that mice whose mothers were injected with the nanoparticles while pregnant showed alteration in gene expression related to neurological dysfunction.

Jul 29th, 2009

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