Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanocontainers built into self-healing surfaces

The engineers' dream of self-healing surfaces has taken another step towards becoming reality - researchers have produced a electroplated layer that contains tiny nanometer-sized capsules. If the layer is damaged, the capsules release fluid and repair the scratch.

Aug 3rd, 2009

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Entwicklung von DNS Computern

Biomolekulare Computer, die aus DNS und anderen biologischen Molekuelen bestehen, existieren heute nur in einigen wenigen Speziallabors. Wissenschaftler am Weizmann Institut haben einen Weg gefunden, 'benutzerfreundliche' mikroskopische Computer zu entwickeln, die komplexe Berechnungen und komplizierte Datenabfragen durchfuehren koennen.

Aug 3rd, 2009

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The science of longer lasting beer

One of the long standing problems in the drinks industry is how to prevent chemical processes in the drinks compromising their taste, quality and shelf life. In particular, riboflavin (vitamin B2) is responsible for driving photooxidation reactions that affect the flavour of many drinks and so they often have to be packaged in light-shielded containers. Scientists now have developed a way of removing riboflavin.

Aug 3rd, 2009

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Nanotechnology - Principles and Fundamentals

The ultimate reference book, providing an in-depth introduction to nanotechnology, discussing topics from ethics and philosophy to challenges faced by this up-and-coming industry, all in one comprehensive volume.

Aug 3rd, 2009

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UAlbany ceremony marks the completion of nanotechnology summer workshop

Thirty students from the Albany, Schenectady and Troy City School Districts participated in a tree-planting ceremony at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering of the University at Albany on July 31 to mark the completion of the first-ever Institute of Nanoscale Technology and Youth Summer Workshop.

Aug 2nd, 2009

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New metamaterial device steers light around corners

Using a composite metamaterial to deliver a complex set of instructions to a beam of light, Boston College physicists have created a device to guide electromagnetic waves around objects such as the corner of a building or the profile of the eastern seaboard.

Jul 31st, 2009

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Artificial nerve cells show promise

Researchers in Sweden are breaking boundaries in the field of nerve cell communication by creating the first artificial nerve cell capable of communicating with human nerve cells. The research will fuel understanding in the pathophysiology, molecular targets and therapies for the treatment of various nervous system disorders such as Parkinson's disease.

Jul 31st, 2009

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