Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Argonne scientists find new set of multiferroic materials

The trail to a new multiferroic started with the theories of a U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory scientist and ended with a multidisciplinary collaboration that created a material with potential impact on next generation electronics.

Oct 19th, 2009

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Bio-scaffold may help humans replace lost or missing bone

Mother Nature has provided the lizard with a unique ability to regrow body tissue that is damaged or torn - if its tail is pulled off, it grows right back. She has not been quite so generous with human beings. But we might be able to come close, thanks to new research from Tel Aviv University.

Oct 19th, 2009

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New technique paves way for medical discoveries

Researchers have previously been able to analyse which sugar structures are to be found on certain proteins, but not exactly where on the protein they are positioned. This is now possible thanks to a new technique developed at the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Oct 19th, 2009

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Brighten up - it's a new plastic optical fibre technology

It may look like little more than fishing line, but thin, tough and flexible plastic optical fibre promises to revolutionise high-speed, last-mile communications networks, enable new sensing devices and even add sparkle to clothing. Its evolution is being aided by groundbreaking research in Europe.

Oct 16th, 2009

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Leti's planar-SOI technology meets low-power, 22nm node requirements

Leti, a leading global research center committed to creating and commercializing innovation in micro- and nanotechnologies, today presented results at the SOI Industry Consortium workshop in Leuven, Belgium, that prove SOI-based planar CMOS meets requirements for low-power, 22nm node devices, offering a practical route to further feature shrink and enabling a significant jump for 'green' products.

Oct 16th, 2009

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EU plans to review its policies on nanomaterials

The EU executive plans to respond positively to the European Parliament's call for a number of EU policies and regulations covering health and environmental safety issues related to nanomaterials to be reviewed.

Oct 16th, 2009

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