Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanotechnology can help crops grow faster

With potential adverse health and environmental effects often in the news about nanotechnology, scientists in Arkansas are reporting that carbon nanotubes could have beneficial effects in agriculture.

Oct 21st, 2009

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Biosensor to battle cancer

A powerful new biosensor developed by European researchers will help identify cells in the immune system that actively suppress tumour growth, then put them to use. Enlisting the patient's own immune system would be like sending reinforcements for resistance fighters.

Oct 21st, 2009

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Physicists turn to radio dial for finer atomic matchmaking

Investigating mysterious data in ultracold gases of rubidium atoms, scientists at the Joint Quantum Institute of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland and their collaborators have found that properly tuned radio-frequency waves can influence how much the atoms attract or repel one another, opening up new ways to control their interactions.

Oct 20th, 2009

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Using self-assembly to make molecule-sized particles with patches of charge

Physicists, chemists and engineers at the University of Pennsylvania have demonstrated a novel method for the controlled formation of patchy particles, using charged, self-assembling molecules that may one day serve as drug-delivery vehicles to combat disease and perhaps be used in small batteries that store and release charge.

Oct 20th, 2009

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Carbon nanotubes may cheaply harvest sunlight

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers are studying how to create inexpensive, efficient solar cells from carbon nanotubes, which are sheets of carbon rolled into seamless cylinders 1-nanometer in diameter.

Oct 20th, 2009

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New material could boost data storage, save energy

North Carolina State University engineers have created a new material that would allow a fingernail-size computer chip to store the equivalent of 20 high-definition DVDs or 250 million pages of text, far exceeding the storage capacities of today's computer memory systems.

Oct 20th, 2009

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0.2 second test for explosive liquids

New research explains how a new form of spectroscopy, a scientific method that uses electromagnetic radiation to identify materials, and a novel nanoelectronic device to detect signals, can identify explosive liquids, or liquid components for the fabrication of explosives, in usual plastic bottles almost instantly.

Oct 20th, 2009

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Die meisten Deutschen haben keine Vorstellung von Nanotechnologie

Die Nanotechnologie weckt diffuse Hoffnungen. Ihr Nutzen wird vom ueberwiegenden Teil der Deutschen hoeher eingeschaetzt als die moeglichen Risiken. Gleichzeitig hat nur ein geringer Teil der Bevoelkerung eine klare Vorstellung davon, was unter dem Begriff ueberhaupt zu verstehen ist.

Oct 20th, 2009

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New material provides a key to explaining superconductivity

Nobody knows exactly why some materials suddenly become superconductors below a certain temperature. Researchers at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fuer Materialien und Energie (HZB) present new findings that could finally resolve a long-standing dispute as to which theory is correct.

Oct 20th, 2009

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