Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Asymmetric nanowaves

Scientists have uncovered that low-symmetry crystals can support a new type of wave enabled by optical 'shear forces'. The results offer new possibilities for compact optical technologies to enable new ways to guide light or to store information optically.

Feb 24th, 2022

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Nanocarrier spray: Better crops without genetic modification

Scientists have developed a way to improve crop quality without needing to create special genetically modified plants. Rather that changing plant genomes, the new technique relies on a spray that introduces bioactive molecules into plant cells through their leaves.

Feb 23rd, 2022

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Building artificial nerve cells

For the first time, researchers demonstrate an artificial organic neuron, a nerve cell, that can be integrated with a living plant and an artificial organic synapse. Both the neuron and the synapse are made from printed organic electrochemical transistors.

Feb 22nd, 2022

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