Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Illumination activates compounds with therapeutic potential

Researchers describe a new type of molecule that activates so-called voltage-gated potassium channels when exposed to light of a certain color. These molecules could have therapeutic potential in the treatment of some forms of blindness and other diseases.

Nov 18th, 2009

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Dauerausstellung Nanotechnologie im neuen 'Zentrum Neue Technologien' im Deutschen Museum

Auf einer Flaeche von 2400 Quadratmetern bietet das ZNT eine flexible, interdisziplinaere und interaktive Plattform fuer aktuelle Themen aus Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Rund um die Dauerausstellung zur Nano- und Biotechnologie gruppieren sich Praesentationen der Partner aus Industrie, Wissenschaft und Forschung, ein Veranstaltungsforum, Sonderausstellungen zu neuen Materialien, Robotik und Wellenkraftwerken.

Nov 18th, 2009

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Detecting the undetectable in prostate cancer testing

A team of Northwestern University researchers, using an extremely sensitive nanotechnology-based tool known as the biobarcode system, has detected previously undetectable levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy.

Nov 17th, 2009

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A tiny cage of gold responds to light, opening to empty its contents

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have developed a polymer-coated gold nanocage that not only opens in response to light to release a small amount of a drug payload, but then closes when the light is turned off, leaving this nanodevice ready to deliver another dose of drug on command.

Nov 17th, 2009

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New study confirms exotic electric properties of graphene

Understanding the electrical properties of graphene is important because, unlike the other materials used by the electronics industry, it remains stable and conductive down to the molecular scale. As a result, when the current silicon technology reaches it's a fundamental miniaturization limit in coming years, graphene could very well take its place.

Nov 17th, 2009

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Argonne to construct $95 million energy research facility

The Energy Sciences Building (ESB) will provide an environment that will accelerate the pace of discovery by bringing together interdisciplinary teams of researchers in a space that can be adjusted to accommodate an evolving energy-related science agenda. Construction is scheduled to begin during fiscal year 2011.

Nov 17th, 2009

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