Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Liquid battery big enough for the electric grid?

The idea is to build an entirely new kind of battery, whose key components would be kept at high temperature so that they would stay entirely in liquid form. The experimental devices currently being tested in an MIT lab work in a way that's never been attempted in batteries before.

Nov 19th, 2009

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Protection facilitates construction of molecules

Sulfate groups are crucial building blocks for many molecules but are difficult to handle. Dutch researcher Martijn Huibers has discovered how sulfate groups can be protected during the construction of a molecule. Thanks to his method new molecules, which could be used for the production of medicines, can now be constructed far more easily.

Nov 18th, 2009

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Better way to harness waste heat with quantum dot devices

In everything from computer processor chips to car engines to electric powerplants, the need to get rid of excess heat creates a major source of inefficiency. But new research points the way to a technology that might make it possible to harvest much of that wasted heat and turn it into usable electricity.

Nov 18th, 2009

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Beryllium: A metal of high potential

On KIT Campus North, a beryllium handling laboratory has now been established by the company of Goraieb Versuchstechnik in cooperation with KIT, which is unique in Europe.

Nov 18th, 2009

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Erforschung des Magnetismus im Nanokosmos bekommt 10 Millionen Euro

An der Uni Hamburg, wo die Erforschung des Nanomagnetismus seit vielen Jahren einen herausragenden Forschungsschwerpunkt darstellt, hat die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft bereits 2006 den erfolgreichen Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 668 mit dem Thema 'Magnetismus vom Einzelatom zur Nanostruktur' eingerichtet. Jetzt wurde die Fortsetzung des SFB 668 fuer zunaechst vier weitere Jahre mit einem Forschungsetat von ca. 10 Millionen Euro bewilligt.

Nov 18th, 2009

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