Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A challenge to improve Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for structural biology

In structural biology, the only technique available to predict the three dimensional structure of large complex molecules in solution, such as proteins and DNA, is NMR spectroscopy. To catalyze improvements in the techniques behind these predictions, the 'eNMR' project has launched a new initiative. In September's Nature Methods the project issued an invitation to the entire biomolecular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance community to participate in a large scale test of modern computing algorithms.

Nov 30th, 2009

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Einblicke in die Medizin von morgen beim 6. Nanotechnologieforum Hessen

Als Nanotechnologiestandort steht Hessen europaweit an der Spitze. Es ist unser erklaertes Ziel, Hessen zu einem Spitzenstandort der Nanomedizin zu machen, sagte Klaus-Dieter Jaeger, Abteilungsleiter Wirtschaftsfoerderung und Technologie im Hessischen Wirtschaftsministerium, am Donnerstag anlaesslich der Eroeffnung des 6. Nanotechnologieforums Hessen im Congress Park Hanau.

Nov 28th, 2009

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Golden oldie: Key role for ancient protein in algae photosynthesis

The discovery that an ancient light harvesting protein plays a pivotal role in the photosynthesis of green algae should help the effort to develop algae as a biofuels feedstock. Researchers with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have identified the protein LHCSR as the molecular 'dimmer switch' that acts to prevent green algae from absorbing too much sunlight during photosynthesis and suffering oxidation damage as a consequence.

Nov 27th, 2009

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Multiferroic compounds used to produce smaller and cheaper digital memories

Is it possible to make even more compact digital memories for portable electronic devices and which consume even less energy? A team of CNRS and CEA researchers has recently demonstrated that it is feasible, thanks to a new class of materials known as multiferroics, which combine unusual electric and magnetic properties.

Nov 27th, 2009

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Einzigartiges NanoXAS-Mikrospektroskop in Betrieb genommen

Genauer als jemals zuvor lassen sich Oberflaechen durch ein bisher einzigartiges Roentgenmikroskop, das NanoXAS-Mikrospektroskop, chemisch abbilden. Moeglich ist das, weil die Staerken zweier Nanosonden verknuepft werden: die der Rasterkraftmikroskopie und der Roentgenmikrospektroskopie.

Nov 27th, 2009

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