Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers put a new spin on atomic musical chairs

Researchers from NIST and the Naval Research Laboratory have developed a new way to introduce magnetic impurities in a semiconductor crystal, a technique that will enable researchers to selectively implant atoms in a crystal one at a time to learn about its electrical and magnetic properties on the atomic scale.

Dec 2nd, 2009

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Fraunhofer Technologieplattform Mikroverkapselung

Im letzten Jahr haben das Fraunhofer IAO und das Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Angewandte Polymerforschung IAP, Potsdam-Golm, eine Technologieplattform fuer Mikroverkapselung ins Leben gerufen, von der Industrien unterschiedlicher Branchen, von der Papier- ueber die Chemieindustrie bis hin zur Personal Care-Industrie bereits enorm profitiert haben.

Dec 2nd, 2009

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Nanotechnology research explores energy storage

In leading the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh's first technology spin-off, Charles Gibson, an inorganic chemistry professor, hopes to make a big impact on the energy storage industry with the tiniest of particles.

Dec 1st, 2009

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Innovation puts next-generation solar cells on the horizon

Scientists at Monash University, in collaboration with colleagues from the universities of Wollongong and Ulm in Germany, have produced tandem dye-sensitised solar cells with a three-fold increase in energy conversion efficiency compared with previously reported tandem dye-sensitised solar cells.

Dec 1st, 2009

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Shape shifters: A new breed of antennas

Research from North Carolina State University is revolutionizing the field of antenna design - creating shape-shifting antennas that open the door to a host of new uses in fields ranging from public safety to military deployment.

Dec 1st, 2009

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New research offers clues to how shells grow in nature

Lara Estroff, assistant professor of materials science and engineering, and colleagues have taken a deep, detailed look at the way lab-created calcite crystals, similar to those found in nature, grow in tandem with proteins and other large molecules.

Dec 1st, 2009

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Similarities of pumping blood and oil examined

Scientists and engineers from two of the nation's largest industries - medicine and energy - will come together Dec. 7 with leading academicians to explore the synergies in moving oil and pumping blood.

Nov 30th, 2009

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