Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

The invisibility cloak: one dimension closer to reality

EU-funded researchers have created the first three-dimensional (3D) invisibility cloak and used it to successfully hide a small bump on a gold surface. The findings represent a major advance in the field of transformation optics, which uses a special type of materials called 'metamaterials' that can guide and control light in new ways.

Mar 19th, 2010

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UK launches nanotechnology strategy

This Strategy, launched on March 18, sets out how UK Government will take action to ensure that everyone in the UK can safely benefit from the societal and economic opportunities that these technologies offer, whilst addressing the challenges that they might present.

Mar 19th, 2010

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A molecular brake for the bacterial flagellar nanomotor

Biozentrum researchers have now discovered that Escherichia coli bacteria harness a sophisticated chemosensory and signal transduction machinery that allows them to accurately control motor rotation, thereby adjusting their swimming velocity in response to changing environments.

Mar 19th, 2010

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Power walk - harnessing energy from everyday movements

These boots are made for walking ... and for powering up your cell phone? It could happen, according to a team of Princeton and Caltech scientists. They report that they have developed an innovative rubber chip that has the ability to harvest energy from motions such as walking, running, and breathing and convert it into a power source.

Mar 18th, 2010

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Multifunctional polymer neutralizes both biological and chemical weapons

In an ongoing effort to mirror the ability of biological tissues to respond rapidly and appropriately to changing environments, scientists from the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine have synthesized a single, multifunctional polymer material that can decontaminate both biological and chemical toxins.

Mar 18th, 2010

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Mixing ski design and nanotechnology

Imagine packing skis into a suitcase, skis that never need wax or skis that hold a perfect line in all snow conditions. That's just what University of Nevada, Reno students in Kam K. Leang's mechanical engineering senior design course do, they imagine the possibilities of design using nanotechnology.

Mar 17th, 2010

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