Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Exploiting molecular forces to control the form of nanostructures

DNA is found in linear and closed-circular forms in cells, and as such they can serve as component for the assembly of nanostructures of technological interest. The conformations adopted by DNA molecules depend on their intrinsic characteristics and the forces that act upon them. Scientists have quantified the effects of these different factors on the shapes of DNA rings on surface.

Mar 22nd, 2010

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Research provides proof in humans of RNA interference using targeted nanoparticles

A California Institute of Technology-led team of researchers and clinicians has published the first proof that a targeted nanoparticle - used as an experimental therapeutic and injected directly into a patient's bloodstream - can traffic into tumors, deliver double-stranded small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), and turn off an important cancer gene using a mechanism known as RNA interference (RNAi).

Mar 21st, 2010

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Symposium on the convergence of nanotechnology and life sciences

The intersection of nanotechnology with the field of life sciences - including its growing impact on health care through improved diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease - was the theme of a national conference held at the University of Albany's College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering on March 19.

Mar 21st, 2010

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Nanofluidics identify epigenetic changes one molecule at a time

Using a system of nanofluidic channels and multicolor fluorescence microscopy, a team of investigators at Cornell University has developed a method that analyzes the binding of DNA and DNA-binding proteins known as histones at specific locations along individual DNA molecules.

Mar 20th, 2010

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Nanoparticles unlock tumor identity

Using nanoparticles designed to recognize specific sugar-binding molecules on the surfaces of cells, a team of investigators at Michigan State University has developed a process that uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to unlock the sugar-based code that identifies different types of cancer and normal cells.

Mar 20th, 2010

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Gold nanobeacons detect sentinel lymph nodes

To eliminate the need for invasive biopsy, and to improve upon the diagnostic sensitivity of biopsy, researchers have been working to develop non-invasive imaging techniques to identify tumor-bearing sentinel lymph nodes.

Mar 20th, 2010

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Designer nanomaterials on-demand

Researchers have shown how nanocomposites with desired properties can be designed and fabricated by first assembling nanocrystals and nanorods coated with short organic molecules, called ligands.

Mar 19th, 2010

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