Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Quantum sensors: Measuring even more precisely

Physicists have designed the first programmable quantum sensor, and tested it in the laboratory. The innovative method promises quantum sensors whose precision reaches close to the limit set by the laws of nature.

Mar 23rd, 2022

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Don't underestimate undulating graphene

Scientists put forth the idea that growing atom-thick graphene on a gently textured surface creates peaks and valleys in the sheets that turn them into 'pseudo-electromagnetic' devices.

Mar 23rd, 2022

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Growing uniformly sized nanodiamonds

Scientists report a method to grow ultra-uniform nanodiamonds without the need for explosives. The technique also could be used to add beneficial single-atom defects in otherwise perfect crystals.

Mar 23rd, 2022

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Tanks and truth

ACS Nano just published an editorial on Russia's attack on Ukraine by 36 scientists active in nanotechnologies that is a must-read for every scientist!

Mar 22nd, 2022

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Attosecond pulses: 100 times more

Using the high power laser system they developed, scientists have managed to generate attosecond pulses at 100 kHz repetition rate. This enables new types of experiments in attosecond science.

Mar 22nd, 2022

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New world record for qubit storage

By managing to store a qubit in a crystal (a 'memory') for 20 milliseconds, scientists have set a world record and taken a major step towards the development of long-distance quantum telecommunications networks.

Mar 22nd, 2022

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