Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Liposome-hydrogel hybrids: No toil, no trouble for stronger bubbles

Researchers have developed a method to combine two substances that individually have generated interest for their potential biomedical applications: a phospholipid membrane 'bubble' called a liposome and particles of hydrogel, a water-filled network of polymer chains. The combination forms a hybrid nanoscale particle that may one day travel directly to specific cells such as tumors, pass easily though the target's cell membrane, and then slowly release a drug payload.

Jun 9th, 2010

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Walls falling faster for solid-state memory

After running a series of complex computer simulations, researchers have found that flaws in the structure of magnetic nanoscale wires play an important role in determining the operating speed of novel devices using such nanowires to store and process information.

Jun 9th, 2010

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Nanomedizin nimmt Fahrt auf

Im Dezember 2010 treffen sich Experten aus der ganzen Welt auf der 7. NanoMed-Konferenz in Berlin, um den aktuellen Stand biomedizinischer Anwendungen der Nanotechnologie zu diskutieren. Schwerpunktthema der Veranstaltung ist die nanotechnologie-basierte Diagnose und Behandlung von Krebs.

Jun 9th, 2010

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A major step forward in mass production of graphene

Scientists have leaped over a major hurdle in efforts to begin commercial production of graphene - a form of carbon that could rival silicon in its potential for revolutionizing electronics devices ranging from supercomputers to cell phones.

Jun 9th, 2010

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