Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New type of quantum computer could bring the technology closer to reality

Molecules in quantum states are very fragile. Scientists have devised a way to separate the molecules into their component parts so that the processor's results can be read from the more easily controllable individual atoms. By using lasers, they were able to break down the molecules without compromising the data encoded in them.

Jun 16th, 2010

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World's smallest chess set and a microbarbershop win big

The world's smallest chess board - about the diameter of four human hairs - and a pea-sized microbarbershop were winners in this year's design contest for, respectively, novel and educational microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), held at Sandia National Laboratories in mid May.

Jun 15th, 2010

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Organic nanoelectronics a step closer

Although they could revolutionize a wide range of high-tech products such as computer displays or solar cells, organic materials do not have the same ordered chemical composition as inorganic materials, preventing scientists from using them to their full potential. But newly published research shows how to solve this decades-old conundrum.

Jun 15th, 2010

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Nano design, just like in nature

The EU project MultiPlat focuses on the design of the main component of every fuel cell - i.e. the membrane - with the intention of conveying protons more efficiently than in previous solutions.

Jun 15th, 2010

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Engineers of life

Synthetic biology is an extension of the spirit of genetic engineering that focuses on the development of biological systems with new, defined characteristics, assembled according to the principles of engineering.

Jun 15th, 2010

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International Nanoscience Student Conference to be held in August

The international Nanoscience student Conference - INASCON will take place from 20th August through 22nd August 2010 at Baarlo, Netherlands. The conference has been successfully held in Denmark and Switzerland for three consecutive years. The theme of the conference is: 'Nanogeneration, bringing a dream into reality'.

Jun 15th, 2010

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