Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Physicists use offshoot of string theory to describe puzzling behavior of superconductors

Physicists are divided on whether string theory is a viable theory of everything, but many agree that it offers a new way to look at physical phenomena that have otherwise proven difficult to describe. In the past decade, physicists have used string theory to build a connection between quantum and gravitational mechanics, known as gauge/gravity duality. MIT physicists have now used that connection to describe a specific physical phenomenon - the behavior of a type of high-temperature superconductor.

Aug 5th, 2010

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Schriftenreihe Hessen-Nanotech

Mit einer europaweit einmaligen Schriftenreihe bietet Hessen-Nanotech in leicht verstaendlicher und attraktiv aufbereiteter Form kompakte Informationen ueber die Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten von Nanotechnologie in den verschiedenen Branchen und Technikfeldern.

Aug 5th, 2010

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Two innovative LMU projects in physics receive EU funding

Two junior researchers at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich have been awarded prestigious Starting Grants by the European Research Council (ERC). Professor Dieter Braun and Professor Philip Tinnefeld, both members of the Faculty of Physics, will each receive research funding in the amount of some 1.5 million Euros over the next five years.

Aug 5th, 2010

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Compact microscope a marvel

A compact microscope invented at Rice University is proving its potential to impact global health. This portable, battery-operated fluorescence microscope, which costs $240, stacks up nicely against devices that retail for as much as $40,000 in diagnosing signs of tuberculosis.

Aug 5th, 2010

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Gaming for a cure: Computer gamers tackle protein folding

Biochemists and computer scientists at the University of Washington two years ago launched an ambitious project harnessing the brainpower of computer gamers to solve medical problems. The game, Foldit, turns one of the hardest problems in molecular biology into a game a bit reminiscent of Tetris.

Aug 5th, 2010

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