Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

The 'magic' of tin

The metal tin lacks the value and prestige of gold, silver, and platinum - but to nuclear physicists, tin is magic. Physicists recently reported studies on tin that add knowledge to a concept known as magic numbers while perhaps helping scientists to explain how heavy elements are made in exploding stars.

Aug 7th, 2010

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Timely technology sees tiny transitions

Scientists can detect the movements of single molecules by using fluorescent tags or by pulling them in delicate force measurements, but only for a few minutes. A new technique by Rice University researchers will allow them to track single molecules without modifying them -- and it works over longer timescales.

Aug 7th, 2010

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Turning down the noise in graphene

Working with the unique nanoscience capabilities of the Molecular Foundry at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a multi-institutional team of researchers has developed the first model of signal-to-noise-ratios for low frequency noises in graphene on silica. Their results show noise patterns that run just the opposite of noise patterns in other electronic materials.

Aug 6th, 2010

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Federal grant invests in nanostructured 'super' materials

Backed by a $1.2 million federal grant, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) has launched a Center for Advanced Materials Manufacturing (CAMM) that will support the transfer of UWM research in bulk nanostructured materials to manufacturing industry in both Wisconsin and the nation.

Aug 6th, 2010

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Ultrafast gates for single atomic qubits

A team of physicists has achieved ultrafast 'switching' time in an operation central to quantum information processing, changing the state of a single trapped ion in less than 50 picoseconds with more than 99 percent reliability.

Aug 5th, 2010

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