Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Neues Beschichtungsverfahren zur Herstellung von Verbundmaterialien

Am Institut fuer Fertigungstechnologie keramischer Bauteile an der Uni Stuttgart (IFKB) erforscht man neue Beschichtungsverfahren, bei denen Suspensionen mit Ueberschallgeschwindigkeit auf den Werkstoff aufgebracht werden. Auf diese Weise ist es zum Beispiel moeglich, extrem harte Schichten herzustellen, die eine sehr hohe Verschleissbestaendigkeit aufweisen.

Sep 17th, 2010

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'Destination Nano' explores advances in nanotechnology

At UMass Lowell's 'Destination Nano' conference, government, business and academic leaders will determine how far nano has come and how far stakeholders must go to get nano-based products out of the laboratory and onto assembly lines.

Sep 17th, 2010

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Finding hope in a meltdown

Experimentalists at The University of Tokyo have possibly discovered a new state of matter, called a 'chiral spin liquid' when they reported evidence of time-reversal symmetry breaking - a difference between the trajectory of a particle moving along one path or its inverse - in the oxide called Pr2Ir2O7.

Sep 17th, 2010

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Entangled frameworks limber up

The degree of interconnectivity of molecular frameworks in microporous materials influences their structural flexibility and gas sorption.

Sep 17th, 2010

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Ultrasensitive biosensor can detect proteins, aid in cancer diagnosis

Researchers at Boston College discovered that a cluster of carbon nanotubes coated with a thin layer of protein-recognizing polymer forms a biosensor capable of using electrochemical signals to detect minute amounts of proteins. This new biosensor could provide a crucial new diagnostic tool for the detection of cancer and other illnesses.

Sep 16th, 2010

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Nanovehicle acts as cluster bomb for tumors

Scientists have developed a nano-sized vehicle with the ability to deliver chemotherapy drugs directly into cancer cells while avoiding interaction with healthy cells, increasing the efficiency of chemotherapeutic treatment while reducing its side effects.

Sep 16th, 2010

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Predicting nanoparticle interactions in the body

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a method for predicting the ways that nanoparticles will interact with biological systems - including the human body. Their work could have implications for improved human and environmental safety in the handling of nanomaterials, as well as applications for drug delivery.

Sep 16th, 2010

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Nanoparticle-decorated cells power novel approach to cancer therapy

A team of MIT engineers has devised a way to deliver the necessary drugs by smuggling them within nanoparticles that are attached to the cells sent in to fight the tumor. As a result, the immune cell stimulating drug reaches only its intended targets, greatly reducing the risk to the patient.

Sep 16th, 2010

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Magical BEANs: New nanoparticles could provide mega-sized data storage

The ability of phase-change materials to readily and swiftly transition between different phases has made them valuable as a low-power source of non-volatile or flash memory and data storage. Now an entire new class of phase-change materials has been discovered by researchers with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California Berkeley that could be applied to phase change random access memory technologies and possibly optical data storage as well.

Sep 16th, 2010

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