Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Citizen scientist

Researchers have mapped out an approach to virtual organizations that might allow scientific advances made in part by citizen scientists to move forward much more quickly.

Sep 20th, 2010

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GDCh zeichnet Quantenchemiker Joachim Sauer aus

Eine der traditionsreichsten Auszeichnungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh), die Liebig-Denkmuenze wurde am Montag in Dresden bei der Tagung der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte an den Berliner Chemiker Prof. Joachim Sauer verliehen.

Sep 20th, 2010

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Technology in the extreme

Radio transmitters that can withstand temperatures of up to 900 degrees C could soon be dropped into the depths of the earth to provide early warning of a volcanic eruption.

Sep 20th, 2010

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EPA issues significant new use rules under TSCA for carbon nanotubes

EPA is issuing significant new use rules (SNURs) under section 5(a)(2) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) for two chemical substances which were the subject of Premanufacture Notices (PMNs). The two chemical substances are identified generically as multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) (PMN P-08-177) and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) (PMN P-08-328).

Sep 19th, 2010

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Early harvest of research results on nanosafety

Last April the Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (ICHP) Nanobiosciences Unit of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), of the European Commission organised a 2-day workshop to present an overview of various aspects of hazard, exposure and risk assessment of nanomaterials. Last week they published a report and the presentations from this event.

Sep 19th, 2010

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Better marker for breast cancer may reduce need for second surgeries

A new material could help surgeons more accurately locate breast cancers, reduce the need for second surgeries and minimize pre-surgical discomfort for patients. Microscopic gas-filled spheres of silica, a porous glass, can mark the location of early-stage tumors to show their position using ultrasound imaging in the operating room.

Sep 19th, 2010

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NCKU won two silver medals in invention from 2010 National Invention and Creation Award

The cross-disciplinary team of Prof. Wen-Chau Liu of Department of Electrical Engineering and Prof. Huey-Ing Chen of Department of Chemical Engineering and the research team of Prof. Mi-Ching Tsai of Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan, have each won a silver medal in invention from the 2010 National Invention and Creation Award with the inventions of Semiconductor Transistor-Type Hydrogen Sensor and Multi-DOF Ultrasonic Motor with Magnetic Preload, respectively.

Sep 18th, 2010

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European grant to create artificial cell membranes on microchips

Researcher Pascal Jonkheijm of the MESA+ research institute at the University of Twente has won a 1.5 million Euros individual ERC Starting Grant. He will be using the grant over the next five years for research work creating artificial cell membranes on microchips so that, among other things, he can measure how living cells communicate with each other.

Sep 17th, 2010

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