Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers build the most complex biochemical circuit ever created from scratch

In many ways, life is like a computer. An organism's genome is the software that tells the cellular and molecular machinery - the hardware - what to do. But instead of electronic circuitry, life relies on biochemical circuitry - complex networks of reactions and pathways that enable organisms to function. Now, researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have built the most complex biochemical circuit ever created from scratch, made with DNA-based devices in a test tube that are analogous to the electronic transistors on a computer chip.

Jun 2nd, 2011

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Microcantilevers are masters of measurement

Rice University researcher Sibani Lisa Biswal and Kai-Wei Liu, a graduate student in Biswal's lab who recently earned her doctorate at Rice, used microcantilevers as ultrasensitive measuring devices to study how lipid bilayers interact with surfactants.

Jun 2nd, 2011

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Hart oder weich - beides zugleich: Neues Nanomaterial wechselt Eigenschaft nach Bedarf

Das hat die Welt noch nicht gesehen: Ein Werkstoff, der quasi auf Knopfdruck seine Festigkeit aendert. Dieser Wandel in Sekundenschnelle kann durch Aenderungen der Elektronenstruktur eines Materials erreicht und so zum Beispiel aus einem festen und sproeden Stoff ein weicher und formbarer werden. Den entscheidenden Impuls liefern elektrische Signale, Clou dieser sensationellen Entwicklung.

Jun 2nd, 2011

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Microscopic worms could help open up travel into deep space

A space flight by millions of microscopic worms could help us overcome the numerous threats posed to human health by space travel. The Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) have also given experts an insight into how to block muscle degradation in the sick and elderly.

Jun 2nd, 2011

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Long live the qubit!

The power of quantum computers depends on keeping them in a fragile quantum-mechanical state - which researchers have found a new way to extend.

Jun 2nd, 2011

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