Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers produce high-quality graphene with a single step

Graphene is the electronic miracle material of the 21st century. Until now, only sheets that were very small or of a somewhat inferior quality could be produced that were too small or not well suited for high-tech applications. Now, researchers have developed a process capable of producing a high-quality product with a single step.

Jun 7th, 2011

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Presentations from EU event 'Towards a regulatory framework for nanomaterials' available for download

The Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union organized a high level event on September 14, 2010, bringing together representatives of various associations, scientists, regulatory experts as well as national and European regulatory bodies, in order to review the legislative initiatives in progress with regard to nanomaterials and to establish an operational framework for the management of incidents in the short term and to achieve improved risk management in the long term.

Jun 7th, 2011

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Vacuum Expo 2011 will open its doors on October 18-19 at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry

Vacuum Expo provides a sizeable and comprehensive exhibition that involves industry leaders presenting new ideas. Delivered with a passion for vacuum technology, Vacuum Expo's remit is to provide a meeting place for users of vacuum technologies and to be a venue for education and training in the use and measurement of vacuum in general industry, in science and manufacturing.

Jun 7th, 2011

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Exploring state oversight and regulatory needs on emerging nanomaterial use

Health and safety concerns associated with the use of nanomaterials warrant precautionary measures, but few state agencies are equipped with the knowledge needed for oversight and regulation of the use nanomaterials, minute particles of matter considerably smaller than the width of a human hair, according to a Southeastern Louisiana University occupational health and safety specialist.

Jun 7th, 2011

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New chemical method paves the way for making a greater variety of light-sensitive materials that was not possible before

Scientists from Singapore's Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) and National University of Singapore (NUS) have created a new chemical method that enables the development of a variety of tiny light conducting metal-semiconductor contacts. These light-sensitive nano-sized components could help create bioimaging labels as well as better photocatalysts used in fuel cells.

Jun 7th, 2011

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Neutron analysis explains dynamics behind best thermoelectric materials

Neutron analysis of the atomic dynamics behind thermal conductivity is helping scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory gain a deeper understanding of how thermoelectric materials work. The analysis could spur the development of a broader range of products with the capability to transform heat to electricity.

Jun 6th, 2011

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Imaging of surface plasmons may be a lot easier than you thought

An unusual observation turned into a scientific breakthrough when K.U.Leuven researchers investigating the optical properties of nanomaterials discovered that so-called surface plasmons leave imprints on the surface of the nanostructures. This leads to a new type of high resolution microscopy for imaging the electric fields of nanostructures.

Jun 6th, 2011

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How to apply conductive nanocoatings to textiles

Imagine plugging a USB port into a sheet of paper, and turning it into a tablet computer. It might be a stretch, but ideas like this have researchers at North Carolina State University examining the use of conductive nanocoatings on simple textiles - like woven cotton or even a sheet of paper.

Jun 6th, 2011

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