Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Bacteria-killing drills get an upgrade

The latest iteration of these nanoscale drills are activated by visible light rather than ultraviolet, as in earlier versions. These have also proven effective at killing bacteria through tests on real infections.

Jun 1st, 2022

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It's a trap! Laser light ensnared by invisible bonds

Scientists have demonstrated a novel type of mechanism that can prevent light waves from spreading freely. In their recent experiments, the physicists observed that such light localization is possible, demonstrating the uncanny sensitivity of wave propagation across a wide range of spatial length scales.

Jun 1st, 2022

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Water treatment efficiently removes nanoplastics

The biologically active, slow-flow sand filters of lake water treatment would remove nanoplastics from the raw water very efficiently. This was shown both in the laboratory and in larger, realistic tests and modelling.

Jun 1st, 2022

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Making colors out of gold and DNA

Folk belief says there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but a new technology is turning that idea on its head - using nanoparticles of gold to make colors. With further work, the method could herald a new display technology.

May 31st, 2022

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Multi-functional bandage helps wounds to heal

Researchers have developed a film that not only protects wounds similar to the way a bandage does, but also helps wounds to heal faster, repels bacteria, dampens inflammation, releases active pharmaceutical ingredients in a targeted manner and ultimately dissolves by itself.

May 30th, 2022

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