Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Graphene electronics moves into a third dimension

A Manchester team lead by Nobel laureates Professor Andre Geim and Professor Konstantin Novoselov has literally opened a third dimension in graphene research. Their research shows a transistor that may prove the missing link for graphene to become the next silicon.

Feb 2nd, 2012

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Zinc-finger proteins act as site-specific adapters for DNA-origami structures

DNA is a useful building material for nanoscale structures. In a way similar to origami, a long single strand of DNA can be folded into nearly any three-dimensional shape desired with the use of short DNA fragments. The DNA nanostructure can also be equipped with specific docking sites for proteins. Researchers have now introduced a new method for attaching the proteins by means of special "adapters" known as zinc-finger proteins.

Feb 2nd, 2012

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Powering pacemakers with heartbeat vibrations

Engineers have developed a prototype device that could power a pacemaker using a source that is surprisingly close to the heart of the matter: vibrations in the chest cavity that are due mainly to heartbeats.

Feb 2nd, 2012

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A spider web's strength lies in more than its silk

A study that combines experimental observations of spider webs with complex computer simulations shows that web durability depends not only on silk strength, but on how the overall web design compensates for damage and the response of individual strands to continuously varying stresses.

Feb 1st, 2012

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