Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanomaterials "just out of REACH" of European regulations

REACH, the European Union's primary regulation on chemicals is failing to identify or control nanomaterials. That is the conclusion of "Just Out of REACH: How REACH is failing to regulate nanomaterials and how it can be fixed", a new report by the nonprofit Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL).

Feb 6th, 2012

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Playing RFID tag with sheets of paper

Researchers in France have developed a way to deposit a thin aluminum RFID tag on to paper that not only reduces the amount of metal needed for the tag, and so the cost, but could open up RFID tagging to many more systems, even allowing a single printed sheet or flyer to be tagged

Feb 6th, 2012

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The butterfly effect in nanomedical diagnostics

Tiny metallic nanoparticles that shimmer in the light like the scales on a butterfly's wing are set to become the color-change components of a revolutionary new approach to point-of-care medical diagnostics.

Feb 6th, 2012

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Photonics technology roadshow - free events

A series of one day regional roadshows will facilitate face-to-face discussions with scientists and researchers who work with the latest tools and techniques in the world of photonics. The first meeting will be held at Imperial College, London on Thursday 26th April.

Feb 6th, 2012

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Materials for first optical fibers with high-speed electronic function are developed

For the first time, a group of chemists, physicists, and engineers has developed crystalline materials that allow an optical fiber to have integrated, high-speed electronic functions. The potential applications of such optical fibers include improved telecommunications and other hybrid optical and electronic technologies, improved laser technology, and more-accurate remote-sensing devices.

Feb 5th, 2012

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A framework for sourcing nanomaterials for food and food packaging

As You Sow, a nonprofit organization that promotes environmental and social corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies, has developed a framework on sourcing nanomaterials for food and food packaging. The Framework highlights what companies should ask their suppliers regarding the safety of nano-enhanced food products and packaging.

Feb 4th, 2012

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Nanodermatology Society 2nd Annual Meeting

The Nanodermatology Society will be holding its second annual scientific conference in conjunction with the American Academy of Dermatology annual meeting at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, San Diego, CA, March 16th 2012

Feb 4th, 2012

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Quantum biology and Ockham's razor

A team of University of Bristol scientists explores whether new models or concepts are needed to tackle one of the 'grand challenges' of chemical biology: understanding enzyme catalysis.

Feb 3rd, 2012

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