Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Spinwellen: Die Zukunft des Computers?

Wissenschaftler der Uni Goettingen beschaeftigen sich in einem neuen Projekt mit der Erforschung von Spinwellencomputern. Das Rechnen mit Spinwellen koennte in Zukunft eine schnellere parallele Datenverarbeitung in Mikroprozessoren ermoeglichen.

Feb 22nd, 2012

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Paper electronics is successful: Where next?

Electronics and electrics on or in paper is being used for security, safety, crime prevention, brand enhancement and merchandising. Cost, weight or bulk are a problem, so conventional electronics in paper products is being replaced with printed electronics.

Feb 21st, 2012

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WHO guidelines on nanomaterials and worker's health

As an initial step towards the development of the WHO/NANOH Guidelines, WHO prepared a draft background document proposing content and focus of the Guidelines. This background document will be used by the Guideline Development Group to identify key questions to be addressed by the Guidelines.

Feb 21st, 2012

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Einzelnen Atomen beim Zur-Ruhe-Gehen zusehen

Wissenschaftler haben mit Experimenten erstmals das dynamische Verhalten korrelierter einzelner Atome in Festkoerpern simuliert. Es gelang ihnen, Atome in sogenannten optischen Gittern aufzureihen und deren dynamisches Verhalten zu beobachten, das durch das komplexe Zusammenspiel mit anderen Atomen bestimmt ist.

Feb 21st, 2012

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The future of manmade materials

There's nothing ordinary about the materials being designed in the Stupp Laboratory at Northwestern University. Many of the futuristic fibers, films, gels, coatings and putty-like substances have led to important advances in areas of research such as regenerative medicine and energy technologies.

Feb 21st, 2012

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