Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A new method for examining membrane proteins

Experiments at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) have shown a promising new way to collect data on these elusive proteins. Researchers embedded tiny protein crystals in an oily paste that mimics the supportive environment of the cell membrane, and then hit them with a powerful X-ray laser to determine the protein's structure.

Mar 14th, 2012

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Fighting cancer with nanotechnology - a roundtable discussion

Imagine a test that sifts through millions of molecules in a drop of a patient's blood to detect a telltale protein signature of a cancer subtype, or a drug ferry that doesn't release its toxic contents until it slips inside cancer cells. These and other nanotechnologies could be game changers in how we diagnose, monitor and treat cancer. To more fully understand the impact, The Kavli Foundation held a roundtable conference with four pioneers in the field.

Mar 14th, 2012

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Snapshots of firework in nanoparticles: Beyond conventional ultrafast spectroscopy

A Holy Grail of ultrafast science and technology is to image the changing structure of matter at the nanoscale during the interaction with light. An international collaboration used intense laser pulses delivered by the FLASH free-electron laser for X-ray scattering from nanoparticles. The goal was to look into ultrafast electronic processes during the nanoplasma formation where conventional spectroscopy techniques are inherently blind.

Mar 14th, 2012

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Barrier to faster graphene devices identified and suppressed

A team of Vanderbilt physicists reports that they have nailed down the source of the interference inhibiting the rapid flow of electrons through graphene-based devices and found a way to suppress it. This discovery allowed them to achieve record-levels of room-temperature electron mobility - the measure of the speed that electrons travel through a material - three times greater than those reported in previous graphene-based devices.

Mar 13th, 2012

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