Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanotechnology solar cell turns windows into power generators

Imagine a world where the windows of high-rise office buildings are powerful energy producers, offering its inhabitants much more than some fresh air, light and a view. For the past four years a team of researchers from Flinders University has been working to make this dream a reality - and now the notion of solar-powered windows could be coming to a not too distant future near you.

Mar 20th, 2012

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Nanoschleuse auf Molekularebene

Ein Forscherteam der TU Muenchen und der Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt hat ein System aus festkoerperbasierten Nanoporen entwickelt, mit dem sich einzelne Molekuele identifizieren lassen. Gegenueber frueheren Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet haben die Wissenschaftler erreicht, dass der Sensor zwei Eigenschaften vereint: er reagiert auf einzelne Molekuele und erkennt gleichzeitig ihre Identitaet.

Mar 19th, 2012

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Looking at quantum gravity in a mirror

Scientists have proposed a new quantum experiment using Planck-mass mirrors. Such an experiment could test certain predictions made by quantum gravity proposals in the laboratory.

Mar 19th, 2012

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Nerve cells grow on nanocellulose

Researchers from Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg have shown that nanocellulose stimulates the formation of neural networks. This is the first step toward creating a three-dimensional model of the brain. Such a model could elevate brain research to totally new levels, with regard to Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, for example.

Mar 19th, 2012

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Exotic materials will change optics

Duke University engineers believe that continued advances in creating ever-more exotic and sophisticated man-made materials will greatly improve their ability to control light at will.

Mar 18th, 2012

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Graphene shows potential for modelling cell membrane systems

Graphene could play an important role in the modelling of cell membranes. For example, the lipid bilayer is the fundamental structure of cell membranes, and the structure and dynamic of bilayer membranes govern the transport of materials and information in and out of cells.

Mar 17th, 2012

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