Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

First photo of atom's shadow

A research team at the university's centre for quantum dynamics in Brisbane has been able to photograph the shadow of a single atom for the first time.

Jul 3rd, 2012

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First visualisation of the DNA double helix in water

Though the double helix has become iconic for our molecular-scale understanding of life, thus far no-one has ever "seen" the double helix of an individual double-stranded DNA in its natural environment, i.e, salty water. Dr Carl Leung and a team of international collaborators led by Dr Bart Hoogenboom at the London Centre for Nanotechnology (LCN) have now done just that.

Jul 3rd, 2012

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How to shoot ultrafast electrons

A group of theorists at the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) at DESY have simulated the interaction of light and dynamic matter and found out that the obtained diffraction patterns substantially deviate from the common notion of an image of the instantaneous electron density being encoded in the scattering pattern, i.e. the question of where the electrons are located at a particular instant of time, and that they encode information on the electron motion directly.

Jul 3rd, 2012

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Researchers create 'rubber-band electronics'

Researchers at the McCormick School of Engineering, working with a team of scientists from the United States and abroad, have recently developed a design that allows electronics to bend and stretch to more than 200 percent their original size, four times greater than is possible with today's technology. The key is a combination of a porous polymer and liquid metal.

Jul 2nd, 2012

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