Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Ferroelectricity on the nanoscale

Researchers have provided the first atomic-scale insights into the ferroelectric properties of nanocrystals. This information will be critical for development of the next generation of nonvolatile data storage devices.

Jul 10th, 2012

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White LEDs directly on paper

White LEDs, made from zinc oxide and a conducting polymer, can be manufactured directly on paper, as shown by Gul Amin in his doctoral thesis at Link�ping University.

Jul 10th, 2012

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Triboelectric generator captures power from friction

Researchers have discovered yet another way to harvest small amounts of electricity from motion in the world around us - this time by capturing the electrical charge produced when two different kinds of plastic materials rub against one another. Based on flexible polymer materials, this 'triboelectric' generator could provide alternating current (AC) from activities such as walking.

Jul 9th, 2012

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Tiny bubbles snap carbon nanotubes like twigs

A computer model from Rice University shows that long nanotubes bend and snap like twigs when blasted with ultrasonic energy. The research finds that short and long nanotubes behave differently during sonication. The discovery answers a longstanding question about the origin of competing power laws that were found in experiments on cutting nanotubes by sonication.

Jul 9th, 2012

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Nanotechnology for targeted cancer therapy

EU-funded researchers advanced the use of functionalised nanomaterials with photosensitive capabilities having potential applications involving areas as diverse as drug delivery as well as energy conversion.

Jul 9th, 2012

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Watching DNA unzip real time

Completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 has revealed all the pieces of the basic code that together make a human being. European researchers with equally ambitious goals have visualised on a single-molecule level the initiation of protein production based on the DNA code of single genes.

Jul 9th, 2012

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