Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Hi-fi single photons

A trade-off between photon source settings and detector specific requirements allows the generation of high-fidelity single photons.

Oct 4th, 2012

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Sticky paper offers cheap, easy solution for paper-based diagnostics

A current focus in global health research is to make medical tests that are not just cheap, but virtually free. One such strategy is to start with paper - one of humanity's oldest technologies - and build a device like a home-based pregnancy test that might work for malaria, diabetes or other diseases.

Oct 3rd, 2012

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Using light to switch off magnetism at the nanoscale

One way to make magnetic storage drives faster would be to use light to flip the polarity of tiny patches of material, called magnetic domains, back and forth - from 0 to 1 and back again, in computing terms. Now an experiment at a German X-ray laser facility has captured nanoscale, light-induced changes in a material made of layered cobalt and platinum.

Oct 3rd, 2012

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Researchers collaborate on inexpensive DNA sequencing method

Rapid, accurate genetic sequencing soon may be within reach of every doctor's office if recent research from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Columbia University's School of Engineering and Applied Science can be commercialized effectively. The team has demonstrated a potentially low-cost, reliable way to obtain the complete DNA sequences of any individual using a sort of molecular ticker-tape reader, potentially enabling easy detection of disease markers in a patient's DNA.

Oct 3rd, 2012

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