Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Photonic gels are colorful sensors

Tunable photonic gels developed at Rice University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology show promise for sensors, security devices, computer components and display systems.

Oct 10th, 2012

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Seeking a robust home for qubits

In a new study researchers show, for the first time, that qubits can successfully exist in a so called topological superconductor material even in the presence of impurities in the material and strong interactions among participating electrons.

Oct 10th, 2012

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Growth lamps for nanoparticles

Illuminating silver nanoparticles with narrow-bandwidth light makes them grow uniformly, improving their potential for imaging and sensing applications.

Oct 10th, 2012

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Solar cells made from black silicon

Solar cells convert three-quarters of the energy contained in the Sun's spectrum into electricity - yet the infrared spectrum is entirely lost in standard solar cells. In contrast, black silicon solar cells are specifically designed to absorb this part of the Sun's spectrum - and researchers have recently succeeded in doubling their overall efficiency.

Oct 9th, 2012

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