Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Hydrodynamic electrons seen to break a fundamental limit

A new study shows that an electronic fluid can flow through materials without any electrical resistance, thereby perfectly eliminating a fundamental source of resistance that forms the ultimate limit for ballistic electrons. This result opens the way for improved electronic devices that do not heat up as much as existing technologies.

Sep 14th, 2022

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Unique ferroelectric microstructure revealed for first time

Researchers have observed and reported for the first time the unique microstructure of a novel ferroelectric material, enabling the development of lead-free piezoelectric materials for electronics, sensors, and energy storage that are safer for human use.

Sep 9th, 2022

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Modified microwave oven cooks up next-gen semiconductors

A household microwave oven modified by an engineering professor is helping to cook up the next generation of cellphones, computers and other electronics after the invention was shown to overcome a major challenge faced by the semiconductor industry.

Sep 9th, 2022

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