Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanowire solar cells raise efficiency limit

Scientists from the Nano-Science Center at the Niels Bohr Institut, Denmark and the Ecole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne, Switzerland, have shown that a single nanowire can concentrate the sunlight up to 15 times of the normal sun light intensity. The results are surprising and the potential for developing a new type of highly efficient solar cells is great.

Mar 24th, 2013

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Scientists discover new nanotechnology technique to charge memory chips

IBM today announced a materials science breakthrough at the atomic level that could pave the way for a new class of non-volatile memory and logic chips that would use less power than today's silicon based devices. Rather than using conventional electrical means that operate today's semiconducting devices, IBM's scientists discovered a new way to operate chips using tiny ionic currents, which are streams of charged atoms that could mimic the event-driven way in which the human brain operates.

Mar 22nd, 2013

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Melting back and forth

Experiments demonstrate unusual melting and recrystallization behavior in one-dimensional electron crystals for the first time.

Mar 22nd, 2013

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Researchers use metamaterials to observe giant photonic spin Hall effect

Researchers have once again demonstrated the incredible capabilities of metamaterials - artificial nanoconstructs whose optical properties arise from their physical structure rather than their chemical composition. Engineering a unique two-dimensional sheet of gold nanoantennas, the researchers were able to obtain the strongest signal yet of the photonic spin Hall effect, an optical phenomenon of quantum mechanics that could play a prominent role in the future of computing.

Mar 21st, 2013

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