Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New nanocomposite membrane treating wastewater

A newly developed membrane used to separate waste from water could become key in the treatment of pollutants ranging from acid mine drainage to oil-containing wastewater, as well as in processes ranging from desalination to kidney dialysis.

Mar 26th, 2013

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Spleen-on-a-chip - a sepsis therapeutic device with magnetic nanobeads

The Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University announced today that it was awarded a $9.25 million contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to further advance a blood-cleansing technology developed at the Institute with prior DARPA support, and help accelerate its translation to humans as a new type of sepsis therapy.

Mar 26th, 2013

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Urban living goes soft

The SOFT HOUSE, a winning competition project for adaptable live/work row housing designed by the KVA Matx Team with 360+ Architekten opens today in Hamburg, Germany in the International Building Exhibition (IBA). The Soft House offers a new model for carbon neutral construction and an ecologically responsive lifestyle that can be personalized to meet homeowner needs.

Mar 25th, 2013

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Nanotechnology glass blowers

Researchers are using the electrical properties of a scanning electron microscope to change the size of glass capillary tubes -- Their method has already been patented as it could pave the way to many novel applications.

Mar 25th, 2013

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Effect of image-charges on electron transport better understood

Electron transport through a single molecule offers a highly promising new technology for the production of electronic chips. However it is difficult to make a good conducting connection between the molecule and the metal contacts. Researchers have discovered an effect that plays a major role in this: the so-called 'image-charges' in the metal contacts strongly influence the electron transport through the molecule.

Mar 25th, 2013

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Lyme disease diagnostics with nanotechnology

Existing tests assess the presence of antibodies against bacterial proteins, which take weeks to form after the initial infection and persist after the infection is gone. Now, a nanotechnology-inspired technique developed by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania may lead to diagnostics that can detect the organism itself.

Mar 25th, 2013

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