Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Optimizing nanoparticles for commercial applications

Nanoparticles are used in many commercial products catalysts to cosmetics. A review published today in the Science and Technology of Advanced Materials by researchers in Sweden and Spain describes recent work on the 3 main nanoparticles used in photocatalytic, UV-blocking and sunscreens.

Apr 26th, 2013

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Bold move forward in molecular analyses

Researchers have developed a new set of metrics for analyzing data acquired via small angle scattering (SAS) experiments with X-rays (SAXS) or neutrons (SANS). Among other advantages, this will reduce the time required to collect data by up to 20 times.

Apr 25th, 2013

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Piezoelectric 'taxel' arrays convert motion to electronic signals for tactile imaging

Using bundles of vertical zinc oxide nanowires, researchers have fabricated arrays of piezotronic transistors capable of converting mechanical motion directly into electronic controlling signals. The arrays could help give robots a more adaptive sense of touch, provide better security in handwritten signatures and offer new ways for humans to interact with electronic devices.

Apr 25th, 2013

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Roadmap for the application of nanotechnologies to marine energy

The energy sector is currently facing important technological challenges, not only to incorporate renewable energies but also to modify and make the entire energy production and distribution system more efficient. Nanotechnology developments offer unique solutions which are applicable to the generation, distribution, transportation and storage of energy and the numerous technological developments in this field are numerous.

Apr 25th, 2013

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Nanostructures improve the efficiency of solar cells

Researchers have been able to improve the efficiency of solar cells by coating the cell surface with extremely small nanoscale structures. The new technology has been shown to nearly eliminate the reflection losses of solar radiation.

Apr 25th, 2013

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Nanotechnology for future energy efficient automotive electronics

Researchers at Tyndall National Institute at UCC in Cork, Ireland are leading an international project in advanced nanoelectronics which is aimed at maintaining Europe's position as a world leader in innovative automotive power electronic systems for both conventional and electric cars.

Apr 25th, 2013

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