Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Glass: The nanotechnology connection

Modern applications of glass in such diverse fields as energy, medicine, electronics, photonics, and communications are critically dependent on our awareness and appreciation of the intrinsic connections between glass and nanotechnology. Although glass is seldom if ever mentioned in early texts on nanotechnology, there are numerous examples where the understanding of glass at the nanoscale level has proved transformational in the fabrication and application of this material. As such, glass is a quintessential nanotechnology material.

May 3rd, 2013

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Reducing noise in qubit arrays

If quantum computers are ever to be built, qubits will have to be made more robust and more numerous. New work by scientists at the Joint Quantum Institute addresses both of these concerns - noise reduction and scalability.

May 2nd, 2013

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Perfectly designed microelectronics

Microchips play an important role in industrial and household electronics. Their miniaturized circuits must not only function faultlessly but also consume as little energy as possible. Researchers are now working on making the tiny devices even more efficient.

May 2nd, 2013

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X-ray surfing

A repetitively strained atomic structure makes it possible to offset the propagation of x-ray light in semiconductor materials.

May 2nd, 2013

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New imaging technique to visualize bio-metals and molecules simultaneously

Metal elements and molecules interact in the body but visualizing them together has always been a challenge. Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Life Science Technologies in Japan have developed a new molecular imaging technology that enables them to visualize bio-metals and bio-molecules simultaneously in a live mouse.

May 2nd, 2013

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Use of laser light yields versatile manipulation of a quantum bit

By using light, researchers at UC Santa Barbara have manipulated the quantum state of a single atomic-sized defect in diamond - the nitrogen-vacancy center - in a method that not only allows for more unified control than conventional processes, but is more versatile, and opens up the possibility of exploring new solid-state quantum systems.

May 1st, 2013

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Bug's view inspires new digital camera's unique imaging capabilities

An interdisciplinary team of researchers has created the first digital cameras with designs that mimic those of ocular systems found in dragonflies, bees, praying mantises and other insects. This class of technology offers exceptionally wide-angle fields of view, with low aberrations, high acuity to motion, and nearly infinite depth of field.

May 1st, 2013

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Shaking things up: Researchers propose new old way to purify carbon nanotubes

An old trick used to purify protein samples based on their affinity for water has found new fans at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), where materials scientists are using it to divvy up solutions of carbon nanotubes, separating the metallic nanotubes from semiconductors. They say it's a fast, easy and cheap way to produce high-purity samples of carbon nanotubes for use in nanoscale electronics and many other applications.

May 1st, 2013

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