Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New model gives better control of self-assembly processes

Researchers have developed a new model that allows better control of self-assembly, the process through which molecules aggregate by themselves into larger clusters. This model could be used in the production of plastic solar cells, and is an interesting step in the long?term process of developing a synthetic cell.

Oct 10th, 2013

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Crystal mysteries spiral deeper, chemists find

New York University chemists have discovered crystal growth complexities, which at first glance appeared to confound 50 years of theory and deepened the mystery of how organic crystals form. But, appearances can be deceiving.

Oct 9th, 2013

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Gel-filled gemstones make a better breathalyzer

To gauge whether suspects involved in accidents or routine traffic stops have been driving drunk, police officers pair field sobriety tests with breathalyzers, which signal the presence of alcohol in the breath. Most breathalyzers are expensive and unable to test for precise concentrations of alcohol. Offering a better solution, Italian researchers have developed a novel idea for an inexpensive, portable breathalyzer whose color would change from green to red with higher alcohol concentrations.

Oct 8th, 2013

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Flawed diamonds: Gems for new technology

Using ultra-fast laser pulses, researchers have made the first detailed observation of how energy travels through diamonds containing nitrogen-vacancy centers -- promising candidates for a variety of technological advances such as quantum computing.

Oct 8th, 2013

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