Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Quantum conductors benefit from growth on smooth foundations

Researchers in the United States and China have teamed to develop a speedway for future devices, an exotic type of electrical conductor called a topological insulator (TI). In a new paper in the journal AIP Advances, the international collaborators report that they grew two types of TI materials inside an ultra-high vacuum chamber on both smooth and rough surfaces and then evaluated their abilities to transport electrons.

Oct 11th, 2013

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Graphene Flagship has set sails

The Graphene Flagship - one of Europe's first ten-year, 1,000 million Euro flagships in Future and Emerging Technologies - was launched during a ceremony in Gothenburg today.

Oct 11th, 2013

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Bending world's thinnest glass shows atoms' dance

Researchers have used an electron microscope to bend, deform and melt the one-molecule-thick glass. These are all things that happen just before glass shatters, and for the first time, the researchers have directly imaged such deformations and the resulting 'dance' of rearranging atoms in silica glass.

Oct 10th, 2013

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