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Optically transparent water oxidation catalyst made from copper nanowires

Hydrogen is used as an energy source in fuel cells and can be produced from water by using sunlight and a suitable catalyst. Researchers have now introduced a new electrocatalyst consisting of a conductive network of core-shell nanowires that is just as efficient as conventional metal oxide films on indium tin oxide (ITO) and a great deal more transparent and robust.

Oct 25th, 2013

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Nanomechanical cantilever sensory array: The Rosetta Stone for antibiotic resistance?

Scientists developed a novel nanomechanical technique to confront the problem of antibiotic resistance. According to Dr. Joseph Ndieyira, one of the developers involved in the technique, 'The use of this technology will allow scientists to understand how antibiotics work, how bacteria develop resistance, and what molecular mechanisms could be exploited to get around their defense mechanisms'.

Oct 25th, 2013

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1,2,3, many - how few particles turn into a 'heap'

How large does a group of particles have to be to render moot its exact number of particles? In experiments using ultracold atoms, Heidelberg physicists succeeded in observing the transition to a many-body system well described by an infinite number of particles. In philosophy, this problem is known as the sorites paradox. The essential question is when a collection of elements forms a 'heap'.

Oct 25th, 2013

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Physicists aim to make transition to quantum world visible

Theoretical physicists have developed a mathematical model for a type of microscopic test lab that could provide new and deeper insight into the world of quantum particles. The new test system will enable the simultaneous study of one hundred light quanta (photons) and their complex quantum mechanical relationships ('quantum entanglement') - a far greater number than was previously possible.

Oct 25th, 2013

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Gold nanoparticles give an edge in recycling carbon dioxide

By tuning gold nanoparticles to just the right size, researchers from Brown University have developed a catalyst that selectively converts carbon dioxide (CO2) to carbon monoxide (CO), an active carbon molecule that can be used to make alternative fuels and commodity chemicals.

Oct 24th, 2013

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When scaling the quantum slopes, veer for the straight path

Princeton University researchers found that the 'landscape' of quantum control - a representation of quantum mechanics that allows the dynamics of atoms and molecules to be manipulated - can be unexpectedly simple, which could allow for ready control of quantum operating devices at the nanoscale.

Oct 24th, 2013

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Polymer scientists jam nanoparticles, trapping liquids in useful shapes

Sharp observation by doctoral student Mengmeng Cui in Thomas Russell's polymer science and engineering laboratory at the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently led her to discover how to kinetically trap and control one liquid within another, locking and separating them in a stable system over long periods, with the ability to tailor and manipulate the shapes and flow characteristics of each.

Oct 24th, 2013

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